How to get a Feedburner Rss feed for your blog
But the Google Owned Feedburner offers so much more and don't worry it is very easy to set up.
Feedburner offer so many extras and as you build your blog you will notice so many areas that Feedburner can optimize your blog, we will also go into how feed burner give you the option to provide a 'Subscribe by Email' as you see on most blogs and also you can add AdSense units to your feeds.
I covered Rss feeds and how to use them in detail in a previous post Click Here to check it out.
Lets get your Feedburner Feed
As Feed burner is owned by Google you can log in with your google account details.
(same as for Blogger ,GMail ,You tube etc..).
Step 1. Go to log in or create an account if you don't already have a google account.
Step 2. You will now come to this page:

Now just enter your blog URL in the space provided :
Example :
If you have a custom domain :
Step 3. Your feed will be created and feed burner will take you through a few steps to get you started, don't panic and think you need to set up everything now as you can go back and make changes.
The one thing you need to set up is the address of your feed, this is similar as choosing the address of your blog and it is best to use your blog address or name.
Your feed URL will be :
Mine is :
Once you feed is ready take some time to look through the options in the menu to: Analyze, Optimize, Publicize and Monetize your new Rss feed.
You can now also change your blogger settings to use your new rss feed as default.
In your dashboard click 'Settings'--> 'Site feed' for your blog to find this option.
Email Subscriptions
You can allow visitors to your blog subscribe by Email.To activate this option you need to go to your Feedburner account and on the homepage click on your feed title.

This will bring you to the Manage feed area, in the top menu click 'Publicize"

In the side menu click Email subscriptions.

Here you can activate the Email subscriptions and get the code for a link or form to put on your blog.For more info on this Feedburner Email Settings.
For more info on getting a Feedburner Feed here is a link to 'Google Help' to set up a feed for :
o Blogger
o WordPress
o TypePad
o MySpace
o Podcasting
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Libellés : All-Blog-Platforms, Blog-Promotion, feedburner, Feeds, The Basics
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