Foreign Search Engines and Your Blog: How to Optimize Smoothly
Amanda DiSilvestro, in this post Amanda looks beyond Google to see how people in other country's may be searching for your blog.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.
Being that Google controls nearly 60 percent of the search market, many blog owners put their focus on optimization entirely on this search engine—and rightfully so. People from all over the world use Google and translate Google results into their own language, so finding your way to the top is great for businesses. However, it is important to put your focus on your audience, and not the entire search market. In other words, although 60 percent of searches may be completed on Google, 90 percent of your search might be performed somewhere else. This then begs the question: What’s the deal with foreign search engines?
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Libellés : Guest-Posts, S.E.O.
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